Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is sweet little Collin at just two weeks old. His family lives just a few streets over and moved here about the same time we did. Dad (Scott) played football for BYU the same time we were there watching all the BYU games which was fun to talk about. I'm so glad Natalie brought his BYU helmet. I think this first shot is my favorite!

I finally had a newborn sleepy enough to try this.

I'm obviously obsessed over little baby feet.


Natalie said...

of course i'm a little bias but these photos of collin are adorable! thanks again...can't wait to show EVERYONE!

rachel said...

I love all the poses. These are great! I like the sepia too!

apron girls said...

Oh my gosh, the one with the bucket and one arm hanging down is my favorite!